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$1,999.00 $1,100.00

72X28'' Five Therapy Mat

$2,995.00 $2,595.00

Alixxor Rife Machine - Deluxe Unit

$2,495.00 $2,095.00

Alixxor Rife Machine- Basic Unit

$1,495.00 $1,295.00

BCX Ultra Ionic Footbath


BCX Ultra Lite

$4,090.00 $3,595.50

BCX Ultra Package with FIR Rife Mat

Sold Out

BCX Wire Set


BT-HF Beamtube

$2,199.00 $1,899.00

ElZapp- Hulda Clark Zapper


Ice Bath FLEX

$4,999.00 $4,300.00


$7,699.00 $6,499.00

PlasmaLoop and ElZapp

$2,999.00 $2,499.00

Ra Ma Loop

$4,999.00 $4,499.00

Ra Ma Loop and ElZapp

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